Luckily I married to the eldest in the family else she would say how spoilt I was. Huhu. A few days ago, when I was on the phone with mel, she asked me to send sms to her mom to wish “selamat hari ibu”. It took me sometimes what to write. If I remember quite well, it goes like this “Selamat Hari Ibu, semoga panjang umur dan dapat beramal ibadat selalu”. It was short and sweet isn’t it? Haha. Then there was a long reply from her. I’m still keeping it. here it goes
Then I replied to MIL again, I told her to have fun with the 1st one and as normal human being, it’s quite hard to be fair. Of course I ended it with “gurau jer”. Then she replied with a longgggg one. She said she was excited and can’t wait to have more, then told about my FIL calling their cucu every day. It’s pretty normal because we will come to that age and we’ll have the same feeling. This cycle applies to everybody before we die.
It won’t take long. If you happen to live in KL, you noticed that your life have gone just so fast. Ten years back when a small kid looking at you, they called you abang or kakak, but now they will call you Pakcik or Makcik. To make it sounds nicer, they call you ‘uncle’ or 'untie' (Aunty). It doesn’t make any difference, it just that the second one sounds orang putih :P I believe most of us have so many things left to do. We don’t have much time and most probably we’ll be dead before we know it. Please make sure, you get some time with God OK :-)
p/s: I don’t really know how to end this and it always dead comes to my mind.
aku pun rindukan mak ko gee... tringat lagi masa sembang2 ngan dia kat dlm bilik dia kat Grik tu kan...Suci murni rupanya...Al-Fatihah utk dia...
Bilik tu lah, kami adik beradik duduk melepak sampai sekarang, sampai mak baru pun, dah tak heran haha
kasian kao kena panggil uncle.. budak2 masih panggil aku kakak... heheh... awet muda...
ko kasi budak tu gula2 tu pasal dia panggil kakak hahaha
eh... camner tau ni....
Tahu la, ko kan suka menggula gula kan org HaHa. apesal ko tak tidur, malaysia dah 3 pagi dah.
tracy? lambatnya kao tido?
gee, banyak budak panggil aku abang lagi la. they can't find any reason to call me uncle or pakcik.
best macam ni semua orang ada life. bila la aku nak ada life macam korang. takde sape pun nak bagi aku sms atau berlawan2 sms.
siol je kau bangkitkan pasal 'tua' ni. Kau tau tak.. aku terasa tua betul bila aku kena carik sekolah untuk anak aku masuk darjah satu. Dammit! dah tua rupanya aku.
Bai: saje jer budak tu kasi ko hepi. haha
taiko: syok laa anak ko dah nak sekolah. dalam 15-20 tahun nanti ko dah dapat menantu. syok syok
aku main judi online... lagipun tak nak tido nanti kena rogol...
Ha Ha Ha lawak lah ko tracy. ko pun takut kene rogol. kalau ko nak tahu kat sini pun banyak kebayan (filipino)
aku tak terasa tua.. aku rasa mcm muda selalu.. tapi bila tengok cermin, i've aged! oh no!!! please don't call me makcik. 'Aunty Azerq' is nicer. heh heh..
Haha baru perasan aku salah eja aunty :P. anyway. kalau aku ada anak aku suh panggil ko makcik atau neng jer nanti haha
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