Monday 23 April 2007

Driving license

Broken Line (overtaking allowed)

Recently i took local driving test because my international driving permit is no longer valid after getting my residence visa. what a stupid rule. but i have to live with it. speaking to most malaysian here, none of them giving me encouraging words. "ala 2 kali tu normal lah for malaysian. ada setengah tu pergi amik kelas bayar sampai 2 ribu lebih". mmg saiko.

Luckily, I came to know nuar quite close and he helped me a lot. He trained me how to do side parking and lend his signal book to me to be memorized. Basically all signals are international standard, it just that you have to remember it in correct way. You could speak English, but the tester just listen to specific word only. Most of local gov officer don't speak english.

the first test: Eye test

i passed this test, however i just got 6/9 for my left eye.

second test:

we woke up at 4.00 and arrived at the test centre at 5.30. I was in the queue waiting for my turn and i could see a few people try to do last minute reading. Unlike in malaysia, we had written test but here they will ask randomly and you must say it correctly.

When it came to my turn, that officer started with "no waiting signal", followed by "no parking", "highway starts". then came to broken line like this


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I couldn't recall what this supposed to mean. i just said "Normal way". then he pointed it there again. "Normal way", again , "Normal way", then he said "Action", I said "Going straight" by showing my hands. Hahaha. then he went to next with "slippery road" and "double bend" signal.

After the test, i checked the manual back and it should be "broken line" and "overtaking allowed". haha

Am i finished?? Luckily I passed the test so i could proceed with L and bukit test.

i was very very very nervous. My leg was in auto shaky mode. I tried to take a deep breath for 10 times and recite some doa, but it still shaking. Then slowly, I climbed the hill and stopped at the white line. Turned off the engine and pulled the hand brake. Started the engine again and going forward, then put reverse gear, slowly reversing and did the L parking. My car did not set correctly and obviously it was uneven and a bit zigzag. That guy just came to me and said "mafi mafi" and took out my seat belt. i just showed my hand signal what supposed I do next. Then he said. parking parking. and handed over the test paper to me. Thank God I passed.

Then I went to do side parking. I just followed exactly the theory being taught to me, and I did perfectly for that. The officer took the paper from me, and i waited for the official result. I still feeling butterfly in my stomach until he called my name. Everybody has to be in the van and followed the test car. we will take turn one by one. I was the only malaysian and the rest was kicap. i know that i couldn't stand their odor before but during that time i just focus what shall i do.

When it came to my turn, i was so innocent. i gave assalamualaikum (bodek) and passed the paper to him. adjust my seat, mirror and side mirror. i had to practice back what i learnt for more than 10 years. We got to be hypocrite if we want to pass. i started with Bismillah, and slowly drove the car. Then the tester said "faster, faster, my wife is waiting for me". I said " i see and bismillah again" and drove it faster. i guess i recited Bismillah a few times and he could hear it well. am i a good muslim? But i did it spontaneously because i was so nervous and tense. After the second roundabout he asked me to stop and i said "syukran and assalamualaikum". i could see he marked my paper and everything was ticked with right sign. I felt release.

About 30 minutes after that, official result announced and I passed the test. Now i belong to a few malaysian that pass for one taking only. In anything we do, do not listen to negative opinion, and have faith in whatever we do. Practice and do not forget to pray to God. i did solat hajat that morning, and I believe God helped me on this.

After driving more than 10 years, i had to go through this again and it was something special and one of the obstacles to be remembered!!!

1 comment:

Izham Miyake said...

elleh.. as if you're not kicap..

tapikan gee, aku rasa kenervousan kau tu.. aku pun rasa nervous baca cerita kau tu..


congrats gee.. dapat lesen buat kali kedua.. u make me proud dawg!