Friday, 25 January 2008

Amalan Bidaah Budaya Melayu

I thought of explaining this based on my log book =)) but below explanation is more details than mine. I got it from

Tazkirah: 'Perlukah saya buat kenduri arwah?'
Azamin Amin
Fri | Jan 25, 08 | 2:51:32 pm MYT

"Perlukah saya sediakan makanan dan buat kenduri arwah kepada orang kampung sedangkan keluarga saya tengah sedih sangat sebab baru sahaja kehilangan ayah tersayang?" tanya seorang remaja kepada saya yang baru kehilangan ayahnya yang tercinta kerana sakit kronik.

Terkedu dan pernah juga terfikir dalam benak hati, namun kerana kenaifan saya di bidang agama saya diamkan sahaja sehinggalah muncul kembali soalan yang terbit daripada anak muda belasan tahun ini yang datang daripada keluarga yang susah.

Lantaran itu, walaupun sedikit kesibukan dengan tugasan, saya meluangkan masa mencari jawapan yang mungkin atau mengundang pelbagai pandangan dan polemik serta emosi kurang senang banyak pihak.

Namun atas landasan mencari ilmu termasuk mahu berkongsi bersama, saya kutip beberapa pendapat yang boleh dijadikan panduan kepada semua khususnya kepada anak muda yang bertanya itu sehingga saya membiarkan dia termanggu tanpa sebarang jawapan sebelum ini.(segala kesilapan dan kelemahan mohon tunjuk dan maafkan)

Amalan membebankan keluarga si mati

Dalam laman blog dikenali sebagai Institut Al-Imam Syafie (Intis) seorang Pensyarah Jabatan Tilawah al-Quran Pusat Bahasa Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) Abdullah Bukhari Abdul Rahim menulis amalan kenduri arwah ini sudah pasti menyusahkan keluarga si mati yang masih lagi bersedih dengan kehilangan orang tersayang.

Katanya Rasulullah s.a.w ketika mendengar berita kematian Jaafar ibn Abi Talib, baginda bersabda: "Persiapkan makanan untuk keluarga Ja'far, kerana sesungguhnya mereka telah didatangi dengan apa yang menyibukkan mereka (kesusahan)." - Hadith riwayat al-Tirmidhi & Abu Dawud.

Keluarga si mati yang baru ditimpa musibah(al-Baqarah:155-157) perlu disokong dan dibantu.

Amalan di sesetengah tempat ini adalah salah, kerana katanya kesedihan keluarga si mati akan ditambah lagi dengan kesedihan lain seperti bebanan kewangan kerana perlu membayar upah orang membaca al-Quran, sembahyang jenazah dan kenduri arwah.

"Budaya mengadakan kenduri arwah bersempena kematian pada malam pertama, malam Jumaat, malam ketujuh, malam ke-40 dan malam ke-100 juga tidak mempunyai asas sama sekali dalam Islam," katanya yang dipetik dari laman web tersebut

Amalan itu membawa kepada pembaziran jika membabitkan penggunaan harta si mati tanpa jalan yang betul dan membabitkan penganiayaan harta anak yatim malah Majlis Fatwa Mesir pada 1947 memutuskan bahawa amalan berkenaan perlu dihentikan.

Ulama mazhab Syafie melarang kenduri arwah

Rujukan katanya boleh dibuat terhadap Kenyataan bekas Mufti Mesir Syeikh Hasanain Makhluf di dalam akhbar al-Ahram bertarikh 27 Julai 1947 dan Fatwa ini kemudian disahkan oleh Majlis Fatwa Mesir dan dikeluarkan dengan rasminya pada 14 Ogos 1947, bilangan 377.

Katanya lagi Ulama mazhab Syafie melarang budaya ini sebagaimana dipetik daripada buku Feqah Mazhab Syafie, al-Fiqh al-Manhaji.

Antara petikan kitab tersebut yang berbunyi:"Daripada bidaah apa dibuat keluarga si mati ialah dengan mengumpulkan orang ramai kepada makanan dengan upacara dinamakan berlalunya 40 hari dan seumpamanya."

"Sekiranya perbelanjaan makanan itu daripada harta peninggalan (si mati) dan di kalangan waris ada yang belum baligh, maka itu adalah dari perkara lebih haram.

"Ini kerana ia memakan harta benda anak yatim dan melenyapkannya bukan untuk kepentingan anak yatim itu. Terbabit juga dalam melakukan perbuatan haram ini setiap yang memanggil dan memakannya." ( rujukanjil 1/ ms 263, Damsyik: Dar al-Qalam).

Dalam pada itu pada Jun 2005 blog tersebut turut memetik ruangan Tazkirah di bawah tajuk 'Amalan Jahiliyyah Disangka Ajaran Agama' oleh Tuan Guru Dato' Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat yang merujuk kepada pengarang kitab at-Tazkirah iaitu Al-Qurtubi berhubung isu kenduri arwah.

"Dengan jelas mengatakan bahawa diantara amalan jahiliyyah ialah mengadakan suatu himpunan beramai-ramai diperkuburan, di masjid atau di rumah dengan berzikir dan juga lain-lain bacaan, serta mengadakan jamuan makan minum dengan tujuan untuk orang mati, disebut orang sebagai kenduri Arwah.

"Dengan jelas perbuatan itu tiada Nas yang menjadi rujukannya dan tiada petunjuk sunnah yang menjadi ikutan, " kata Nik Aziz.

Kenyataan pahit dan mengejutkan

Kenyataan ini kata Nik Aziz mungkin agak keras dan pahit serta boleh jadi suatu penjelasan yang mengejutkan terutama terhadap mereka yang mengamalkan perkara tersebut secara ikut-ikutan dan membuta tuli tanpa mengkaji dari sudut ilmiyah.

"Tetapi inilah hakikat Islam yang mesti diakui oleh penganutnya yang sedia kembali kepada al-Quran dan Sunnah," katanya

"Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa amalan tersebut telah berakar umbi di dalam masyarakat melayu, sehingga sebahagian dari mereka menganggap bahawa amalan tersebut adalah merupakan amalan agama yang mesti dilakukan setiap kali berlaku kematian," katanya lagi

Kata Nik Aziz lagi sungguhpun Nabi terlalu sayang terhadap umatnya terutama terhadap para sahabatnya yang sentiasa membantu Nabi di dalam suasana damai dan perang namun Nabi tidak pernah melakukan majlis zikir atau tahlil untuk sahabat-sahabatnya r.a yang mati.

"Orang yang paling sayang terhadap Nabi s.a.w. adalah para sahabatnya yang sentiasa berada di sisi Nabi siang dan malam, namun pernahkah terdapat para sahabat berhimpun dan berzikir dan bertahlil untuk Nabi s.a.w.?" katanya membangkitkan persoalan. Soalnya lagi jika perkara itu tidak dilakukan oleh Nabi dan juga para sahabat maka dari manakah punca amalan itu diambil.

"Apa yang paling mendukacitakan, mereka menganggap amalan tersebut sebahagian dari amalan Islam, padahal Rasulullah sa.w. tidak pernah menunjukkan contoh seperti itu dalam sunnahnya," katanya.

Bagi umat Islam marilah berlapang dada dalam menghadpi persoalan agama dengan menghayati petikan ayat daripada surah An-Nisaa' 4:59 :"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, taatilah Allah dan taatilah RasulNya dan ulil amri di antara kamu. Kemudian jika kamu berlainan pendapat tentang sesuatu, maka kembalikanlah ia kepada Allah (Al Qur'an) dan Rasul (sunnahnya), jika kamu benar-benar beriman kepada Allah dan hari kemudian. Yang demikian itu lebih utama (bagimu) dan lebih baik akibatnya." - mks.

Saturday, 19 January 2008

maggi goreng

We woke up soooo late...
Aku baru habis buat maggi goreng. Sedap jugak aku menggoreng.
Nak tahu aku buat mcm mana

Selalu aku goreng takde sequence
aku rendam maggi dalam 2-3 minutes, lps tu aku tos kan. lps tu aku biar jer lah dulu

aku letak kuali atas dapur dan panaskan letak no 1 dan letak minyak.
pastu aku start bukak peti ais. ada bawang putih. aku potong2 aku masuk dalam kuali.
aku nampak bawang besar aku potong2 aku masukkan saja. aku masukkan 2 biji cili api.

pastu ada ayam, aku potong2 pastu aku masukkan. pastu aku letak sos tiram. aku letak kicap cap kipas udang sikit. pastu aku nampak tuna, aku masukkan tuna dalam tuh. dan aku masukkan kobis dan cendawan yang telah di potong. aku goreng2, dan masa untuk masukkan magi yang telah di tos.

masukkan maggi, dan goreng kan sekali. pastu aku nampak ada pepper tepi dapur tuh. aku pusing2 kan. dan aku rasa sikit.. dah secukup rasa.

Yanggggg maggi dah siap :-)

mel: abg pakai perencah ke?
aku: sorry aaa. ini gua buat sendiri. tak letak garam pun
mel: tak masin la..
aku: rasa lah dulu.

tuna tuh dah rasa masin dah.. kalau aku bubuh garam terlebih masin.
cuba lah buat hik hik.

aku nak mandi... dah 1.30 ptg ni hehe

Thursday, 17 January 2008

Hello, Tell Me!!

Hello. Tell me!!

What the fooook. Here it is common if somebody picks up the call and says that thing to you. Yes, it is very irritating at the beginning but slowly you’ll get used to it :P

Yea, yesterday I received an email from Nurazlina bte Zulkefli. She wrote me like she knew me very well. It took me sometime to figure out who she was. Later I found out, she is my niece. A daughter of my cousin at my “kampung”. Of course she knows me and I know her well because I used to call her “poreng”. Wakakaka. She is working as a secretary now at LTH, and made me realize that I’m getting old now. 10 years back she was in high school and she might transform herself a lot now. You know those girls graduated from iTM majoring in secretarial. HaHaHa. Poying mesti tgh marah baca nih.

Thursday is always the best day for me. It is the last day of the week and I could wake up late tomorrow HiHi. Mel has to fly to Bahrain tomorrow to renew her visa, so I will be alone tomorrow. May be Syed will come over because I just asked him to download Golden Compass, so we could watch it tomorrow.

For the past few gloomy days, I had nothing much to do. This morning, I just chatted with my cousin Jem/Iron. We talked a lot of things. our family, my house in Bangi, and how to improve in bed. Oh we talked about bidaah and how to purify our heart also. Last week unintentionally I attended one usrah. It was lectured by Ustaz Ali. He explained about bidaah.

Then after the session, we Malaysian asking him about bidaah hasanah. That’s what we learned in school. The he asked us back who taught you bidaah hasanah. Any hadis to support the claim. None of us could answer it. then he started to explain to us one by one. He began with “nasra” influenced in our daily life. For instance celebrating our birthday. Christians observe Jesus birthday and Malaysian followed the same way by celebrating our prophet Muhammad birthday. Then about “kenduri tahlil” and so on. During prophet days, they never had tahlil for 3,7, or 40 consecutive days. Then I was thinking, if we didn’t do it, people will say bad thing. “Kesian org tu mati, takde org baca tahlil”. I guess I will write more about this later. I need to check my log book :-). after talking to Jem for quite sometime, there was no response from him. Then I buzz him by saying “Aku tak sesat la”

Then once in a while after zuhur prayer, we have tazkirah with our imam (manager). He is local and he advises us a lot of things. and he told us people here realize that Malaysian used to label them wahabi. In fact they never care what wahabi is. Their concern is to follow al-quran and sunnah. That’s the only way to unite all muslim, which is undeniably true.

Ok I’m going to bed now… sing me a lullaby.. HuHuHu

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Majulah Sukan Untuk Negara

I played badminton today!! and I have been playing for the past 3 weeks. Monday and Wednesday is obliged to 6 of us. Me, Nuar, Khai, King, Atok and Din. We have 3 couples.. opss 3 pairs to battle each other. May be once i return to KL later, i can beat Nyace. wakakaka

Shamberng and syam ban the game. Shambeng called it "permainan org sepi" (game for loner) because all married but 4 of us left their wife in Malaysia HiHi. Syam just don't like the game. He prefers soccer and in fact he is the man behind the curtain... opsss behind the scene that make the game becomes free. I love to join but "stool leg" never knows to dribble the ball. i just love Arsenal jersey and I just knew Thierry Henry but he left for Barcelona already. With my new identity here, i just loving it when people address me "Haziran". They said it is too long to call me and asking my nick name. For the past 30++ years people calling me Gee, so this is the time for me to be a NEW me. A couple of Mel's friends know my nick name. Don't count too much on ladies; it's very hard for them to keep a secret. So they tried to call me "Gee" but I just pretend that I wasn't listening to them.
All men have little secret ;-)

you might think I am being "poyos", but who cares. For the past 30++ years, i never bother your life OK. As long as i'm not crossing your line, so don't ever try to cross mine. Eh apa aku merepek mcm org mabuk ni. No no no i'm not drunk. I just feeling cold.

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

What we did yesterday

The weather becomes colder. This morning it was below 10 and it has been raining for the past one week. Luckily Mel bought me a jacket when she was in UK (it was cheap because she bought at car boot sale. I guess 6 or 7 pound only :P ) so i don't have to buy a new one. Mel had two but she bought a new one yesterday. I had no more budget for her so she got to use her own money :P

Yesterday we went to Qatar Airways to get a refund voucher for our unused return ticket to KL. 910 riyal each. Then we went to city center to catch National Treasure Movie. It kinda cool. Seriously I totally forgotten the 1st version. Ha Ha. After the movie, we saw big ads at the entrance of Debenham. So we just walked in there, and almost all items were on 50% sale. I tried a couple of shirts, jeans and trousers and end up I bought 1 shirt, 1 jean and 1 belt. all at 50% discount :-) I told Mel, hopefully there will be no more sale after this month. No more budget for shopping, so we canceled our Dubai trip. Anyway if you guys wanna go there, there will be Dubai Shopping Festival from 24th January - 24th February. No more allocation, so we just dreaming only HiHi

Sunday, 13 January 2008

Dugaan [ completed :-) ]

January 11, at 11.00 am Mel and I decided to go to FFC to shop some groceries.

at the parking lot
(both got into the car and closed the door)
Suddenly... Prangg..
we looked at the back and
Mel: abang cermin pecah
Gee: apesal. alahai
Then we got out of the car and checked the glass.

Gee: Hello
A: Hello, Sinxt Rent here.
Gee: I'm having problem with my car. The back windscreen was broken at my parking lot.
A: Call the police, we only replace the car once you get the police report

(dial 999)
Gee: Hello
Police: hello
the funny story goes after this. Going to shoprite for a while :D
(We didn't go to shoprite but i went to bed instead :P)

Gee: The back windscreen of my car was broken and i didn't know how it happened.
Police: Where
Gee: My parking lot
Police: Where's yr parking lot
Gee: Matar Qadeem.
Police: Where's Matar Qadeem
Gee: U know Al-Emadi Building
Police: Yes
Gee: Al-Emadi 4B
Police: Who hit your car?
Gee: I don't know
Police: OK Call this number 4XXXXXX
Gee: Is this police station?
Police: Yes. call that number

(Dial 4XXXXXX)
Gee: Hello. Is that Police Station
Police: Yes. what's yr problem
Gee: The back windscreen of my car was broken and i didn't know how it happened.
Police: Where
Gee: My parking lot
Police: Where's yr parking lot
Gee: Matar Qadeem.
Police: Where's Matar Qadeem
Gee: U know Al-Emadi Building
Police: Yes
Gee: Al-Emadi 4B
Police: Who hit your car?
Gee: I don't know.
Police: For your case, come to police on Sunday
Gee: Why Sunday? I need to make a police report now
Police: Today, tomorrow close. Only Sunday Open. Today open for 2 cars problem (paham tak?)
(that means if you got accident with second or other party)
Gee: Where
Police: Airport Police Station. Come Sunday 8. am
Gee: I want to make a police report now, so i can get a replacement for my rental car
Police: Friend, today, tomorrow close. Come Sunday. You still can drive your car.
Gee: OK (I just hang up)

(Dial Sixth Rent again)
Gee: Hello
A: Yes Sir
Gee: I cannot make a police report today. Could you give me replacement car for a while? I need it for 2 days
A: No sir. You have to bring police report
Gee: Yes I know. But this is international company, I guess should be no problem for you to give me replacement, then On Sunday I will make a police report.
A: Sorry sir. This is our company policy
(I was getting pissed off)
Gee: Hey, What kind of service you provide? I need the car for two days
A: (he hang up the phone)

What the fooook.
(Dial again.. nobody answered me)

Then I called syed to come over and bring me for Friday Prayer and we went to FFC to buy some stock because we would be grounded for two days at least :P

On Saturday night, I asked Syed to bring me to Airport police station, just to check where exactly it was, so the next day i would not have problem to locate it.

Syed: Masuk lah dulu tanya
Gee: Ok gak
I explained everything to the police and he said "Your case not here. Go to Musammeir" and he was being nice by giving us direction. So I decided to check that police station and Syed suggested me to bring my car, in case if we were lucky enough we could get the report.

So we return home to get my car and heading there. There was one guy at that police station. So i got to explain everything again.

Police: You want to claim full insurance or third party
Me: Full insurance. This is rental car.
(then i showed him one paper inside the car)
Police: This is third party insurance
Me: Shit
Police: This 2 arabic words means third party. If comprehensive it would be one word only.
Me: Ok let me call sixt rent again

Me: Hello
B: Hello Sixth Rent here
Me: Hello Dean ( I could recognize his voice)
Me: The insurance for this car is third party
B: No Sir. all our cars are comprehensive
Me: But the paper here said "third party"
(the police asking me to pass the phone to him. Then he asked Dean to send another copy or I get it from him and bring there tomorrow)
He passed back the phone to me

Me: Hello
Dean: Sir, just go to our main office
Me: It is not my job to get that copy. You should provide the correct copy.
Dean: Just give me your fax number, so i will fax it to you
( I was so mad at this guy, so i just bombarded him. anyway i didn't fuck him. Only a few "shit" coming out of my mouth).
After giving him my fax number, i put down the phone. Then we talked to that police man for a while before going home. Once home i called Sixth Rent Manager.

Eh dah 7.30 am. I have to take shower now. will continue later. :-)

Me: Hello Mr Mustafa.
M: A'kum
Me: W'salam. This is me from Cxxtel. The back windscreen of my car was broken and i had a problem to make a police report. The insurance copy stated third party but your staff insisted there was another original copy with full insurance. Then he asked me to get it at your main office. It is ridiculous, how could your staff gave me the wrong paper?
M: Don't listen to them. If the paper said third party just make it third party report, if comprehensive make it full claim report.
Me: Ok then. tomorrow I will go to police station again, and I will make a police report based on third party because that what exactly stated here. The police will not give me the insurance certificate report.
M: It's ok. Just make a police report and get the copy. Then pass it to them, and they will replace your car
Me: Ok then. Thanks for the information.

(I got a call fr customer...)

On Sunday at 7.45 am at Musammeir Police Station
Me: A'kum Mr Zahar
Z: W'salam
Me: Sit there
(I was the only one there :P)
after 30 minutes
Z: Go upstairs and see my manager. Tell him your problem and he will give you the report. Your case simple
Me: OK
( I went to see his boss.)
Me: A'kum
His Boss: W'salam
Then I explained everything.
His Boss: Tell Zahar to make a police report for you and I will sign it. If he asks you to see me again, tell him to call me.
Me: OK
( I went downstairs and told him what was happened)
Z: So he knew your problem already?
Me: Yes
Z: Where are all your papers?
( I passed all papers to him)
Z: Sit down
( I had no idea where he went )
then after 30 minutes he came to sit at the reception and filling up the report in arabic
Z: you are malaysian
Me: Yes I am
Z: Malaysia good. My friend just return from Malaysia and he said it was good. I want to go there
Me: Yea. You should go ( :P )
Z: Ok your report is done. your report number is 13 and they will prepare for you and give a copy later. This case, we call simple crisis. not crisis. simple case. Sit down
Me: (whatever)

(after another 20-30 minutes)
Z: Just go upstairs and take the second door. Look for Mr Khalid.
Me: Ok
Me: A'kum Mr Khalid
K: W'salam. sit there. Give him chai (he ordered his tea boy)
I got to sip their chai(tea) in this cold weather.

(after another 20 mins I guess)
K: What's yr problem
Me: It is written there I guess (i just smiled at him)
K: Ok (and he started typing the report)
Then the tea boy came asked for 12 riyal for stamp fee.
K: Ok done. Follow him to get a report.
( I followed his officer)
He looked at my driving license
O: ooo you are malaysian
Me: Yes
his friend: You know Mahathir Mohamad
Me: Yes
His friend: I love his president ( that means he loves mahathir leadership)
(yea, ppl here see high on him. a couple of times they asked Anwar as well)
Me: Yea. Everybody loves him.

(Then i got my report, then I said "Syukran")

I was the only one to make a report that day and it took me 2 hours and half to get a "simple case report"
I get used to the system, and the weather was nice and I was in the new building, so nothing to rush. What to do, that's how they work here.

So i drove my self to the airport to get the replacement.

At the airport
Me: Here is the report
P: OK, I will give back your old car. the red one
Me: Whatever. As long it is in good condition.
P: (ordered his staff) Get the red Ibiza for this man.
(then i just followed him to the parking area)
(The parking lot was flooding with water.)
Me: I'm not going down here. You see the water.
M: Sir, take off your shoes.
Me: What? No way. You go there and get the car for me
M: No problem sir.

(he drove the car the opposite way)
M: Sir, open that door and jump from here
Me: (fuck). Ok i will do it
(I opened the door and jump to the next car)
Then I checked the insurance copy.

Me: This insurance copy was expired.
M: It's ok sir. you can drive
Me: No. I'm not going to drive this car.
M: Ok Sir. follow me to the airport

At the airport again
Me: You see, this insurance was expired and i'm not going to drive it
P: Wait. (he was checking the file.)
P: Sir, give me your fax number and i will fax it to you later
Me: No. Get me another car. I don't trust it works here. In this country there will be no such thing. Later means nothing. Give me another car

Then he passed me a new key. After checking the insurance copy and it was valid with third party insurance. I took it and I called Sixth Rent manager again.

Me: A'kum Mr Mustafa
M: w'salam
Me: This is me again and i just got a replacement but the insurance still third party
M: Why you worry about third party. If something wrong with the car we will responsible for it
Me: Fine. But it should be comprehensive so if anything happen to me, it will cover me as well.
M: No, comprehensive here, for the car only. For you, you have to buy your own personal insurance
Me: Ok then

HaHa.. That's how the system works here. I just couldn't believe but it is indeed true. What surprises me more, they just host Asian games and they are going to bid for 2016 olympic.

Ok my dugaan story completed :-)

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Thursday, 3 January 2008

Happy New Year

Cepat sungguh masa berlalu. Masa itu terlalu pantas di saat kita rasa gembira. Tetapi pastinya lama kalau keadaan disebaliknya. Di saat ku jejakkan kaki ku disini, aku rasa ingin pulang, kerana hatiku sering disakiti.
mmg tak boleh jadi writer atau novelist kwang kwang kwang.

Anyway, time flies so fast and the new year just begun. I have yet to set my 2008 resolutions. I guess not much in the list and hopefully the one that I'm waiting for will be answered HuHu. I miss Gerik so much. I thought I could fly back this January before resuming my duty here. Suddenly they changed the plan and the new contract started on January 1 as well. Most probably we have to forfeit our one year return ticket to KL. Mine will expire on January 20 and Mel Feb 16. Mel wanted to use the ticket but I couldn't allow it because i just simply can't live without her. My truly sole mate. She could stand by me, no matter what I do. Don't worry dear, I never did like Chua.... as of today. Let's pray to God it won't happen to us :-)

Speaking about Chua, I guess he was a good minister. I pity him for being trapped that way. Seriously, I bet a lot more like him, but they are damn good to hide it and most probably they will be more cautious after this :P . I guess most or all politicians caught of having sex scandal will have no way out. So, no choice for them. It is your personal life but public couldn't accept it. So that's the price you have to pay. But again I pity him because he was being a good health minister.

Sex is everybody needs. It's not easy to control when you are high isn't it? ;-) The more religious or good you are the more challenge you have to face. It could happen to a very religious guy, but because of uncontrollable desire, he might end up having illicit sex once. Then everybody including the player will jeer him. Strange isn't it. All my iTTM friends watched porno movie and jerking off themselves at least once :P.

For Muslim, illicit sex is very serious offence although a lot people keep on doing it. They pray 5 times a day, fasting every ramadhan, and being good to elderly, but they say yes to this. Try to advice this kind of guy, you will end fighting with him and he will come out with 1001 reasons for his act ;-). When it comes to sex, there are no rules. Sex never discriminate or against based on color, religion, or whatsoever. Anyway most men only want sex for the physical pleasure and only women want love.

Chua will be history and who will be cursed next?

Before I forget, please avoid illicit sex :-) It is a big sin in Islam and it is bad for your health too.