Sunday 1 July 2007

The Sunday Blues

If people back home hate Monday, I dislike Sunday the same way since it is the first day of the week. For the past 6 months, I have not seen Fara Fauzana on Melodi, and no more Pancaindera at my doorsteps every Sunday HaHa. I used to subscribe The Star on Saturday because Mel was interested in Biz Week and I love to see job ads. I will read every detail but never applied through it. Then on Sunday, I scrap The Star but Utusan Minggu. Once I heard somebody throwing paper at my doorsteps I will get it and grab the middle one and pass the main one to Mel. HaHaHa.

Between me and Mel, we are totally opposite to each other. She has passion in her hobby, and I have none. Besides getting addicted to Korean Drama, she loves to read novels. Her interests more to fairy-tale, magical, spell, and charmed. Now she is reading romance story. I used to say this to her. “Ini buku blue. Sat abg cari.” Less than a minute I could tell which part in the book is showing erotic scenes. “Part tu jer tere. Saiko”. HaHaHa. Someone told me Fariza used to love romance novel, so those books consider sacred laaa. Fariza kan antara wanita wanita sopan di iTTM.

Anyway I love to see her reading rather than watching K-Drama. Sometimes seeing her giggling alone irritates me especially when it comes to my bedtime. I just couldn’t believe it, she could watch 160 episodes of Korean Drama. I told her “Kalau budak kecik tgk dah pandai cakap dah”. Although I did not watch much, but I guess I know a few Korean words already:

Anoyosayo : Hello
SarangHe : I love you
Kamsamida : Thank You
De / Kere : Yeap
Yobo : Darling / Sayang.

So when Mel calls me now, I will say those words to her. She kinda love it. Opps Back to work now. Nyace just sent me a good URL with no password. Yummy.


kapla.hodot said...

ohh "URL" tuu... download satu site dua hari tak abis lagik... isk isk isk byk nyer..

Taiko said...

wehhh... share la sama aku. siol

geeGrik said...

Munir ko kasik lah kat taiko tu
aku tak suka jadi penyebar, aku suke menerima jer Muahahahha