Thursday 9 April 2009


yesterday, mommy and nenek went shopping while me and ameerah stayed home. like before i wish she wouldn't poo poo, or at least she could hold it until they came back. my prediction was wrong. Suddenly while watching cartoon she started to cry, and i gave her bottled milk, which she refused at first. i persuaded her and she suck it slowly and kept on making noise. Ok ek ok ek. once done she continued merengek. She must be baking then. goshhh. I put her on bed and had to change her diaper. I was a bit panick haha looking at that spoilt cake and with the smell. erkk. I took a bowl of water which ended up pouring on my bed, and decided to wash her in the toilet. Then sudddenly, ding dong, ding dong, the doorbell was ringging. Thank God mommy's home. So the job had been taken over. hehehe.. will try again next time :P

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